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Natural Supplement Beats Diabetes Drug

Jan 23rd 2024

Natural Supplement Beats Diabetes Drug

Egyptian researchers have compared the supplement CoQ10 to diabetes drug glimepiride in treating rats that had been artificially given type 2 diabetes. CoQ10 had marked positive effects on 15 different factors that either cause or prevent/reverse diabetes, surpassing glimepiride in all but 5. Most importantly, CoQ10 has no negative side effects, while there are many problems with glimepiride. Glimepiride belongs to a class of diabetes drugs called sulfonylureas that force the pancreas to produce more insulin. Insulin is a hormone that ushers sugar from the blood into body cells, so it can be stored or burned as energy. Type 2 diabetes occurs when cells become resistant to insulin and sugar accumulates in the blood. While increasing insulin will get sugar into the cells, it creates new problems. High insulin levels are inflammatory, causing aging and all manner of disease including heart disease and obesity. (Sulfonylurea side effects include weight gain and increased risk of…

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Why Your Heart Needs CoQ10

Jan 23rd 2024

Why Your Heart Needs CoQ10

The strongest and most hard-working muscle in your body, your heart is also associated with vulnerability . . . and for good reason.  Powerhouse though it may be, the heart is living tissue that requires proper nourishment. A nutrient called coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, is essential for keeping your heart strong and healthy. Yet it’s quite possible your CoQ10 levels are suboptimal, leading to a condition that underlies many heart problems called “energy-starved heart.” Every cell in your body contains hundreds of little energy factories called mitochondria. CoQ10 facilitates various chemical reactions in the mitochondria’s energy-producing process. Simply put, when you lack CoQ10, you lack energy. Your muscles, including your heart, may be ready, willing and able, but there’s just not enough fuel in the tank. Even minor deficiencies in CoQ10 can impair heart function and eventually damage the heart itself. CoQ10 plays yet another crucial role in cardiovascular health: Keeping…

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Nutritional Support for the Aging Brain

Jan 23rd 2024

Nutritional Support for the Aging Brain

It is now considered normal to lose cognitive function as you age -- to experience diminished memory, reasoning and speed in processing information. This "normal" age-related cognitive decline is contrasted to dementias, like Alzheimer's, which are much more debilitating and include severe nerve cell damage and death of nerve cells. In fact, age-related cognitive decline and dementia are the same thing. What you call it is a matter of degree, and it is primarily a product of our unhealthy diets and lifestyles.Maintaining a youthful brain does, however, require superior nutrition from both diet and high-quality supplements. A brain support program would include the B vitamins and the antioxidant vitamins A, C, D and E. Fish or flax oil is a must, and the need for it increases with age.By middle age, it's best to be supplementing with CoQ10, acetyl-L-carnitine, and multiple B vitamins. (Deficiencies in vitamin B12 are common and often misdiagnosed as dementias or…

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